continuation of part 6
The Facts
Now let us discuss about some of the elements which are still a part of the supernatural stories. The most interesting thing is this that these stories
always come through some reference. At least 99% of such stories are based on someone else experience, the one who is telling a supernatural story will always starts it in this way (my grandfather used to tell this story, my uncle experienced this incident, my so and so told a story) etc… it is very rare that someone tells us his own and personal experience about a supernatural event. Be sure that when somebody is telling someone else experience on such mysterious happenings he will also mix up some of his personal stuff just to create suspense to get the attention of the people.
Now let us discuss about some of the elements which are still a part of the supernatural stories. The most interesting thing is this that these stories

We know it very well and it is already proved by the scientists that the sound wave never dies. Once a sound wave is created it will remain forever in this world. Whatever the word spoken by anybody or a sound is created by any means it becomes the part of this world and remain there forever. Even the scientists today are trying to record the sounds produced by our ancestors. We also know it very well that the function of brain in our body is to receive and produce waves, whenever and whatever we think a chain of incoming and outgoing waves is already there. In my opinion the wave produced by the brain also never dies. Just think for a while in journal and not scientifically that the brain wave is the mother of sound wave because; until something will not come to your mind you will not speak of it. You will only speak when you will have something to say, and you don’t have to say anything until you will not think of it, and when you will think something your brain will produce the waves.
Same as above, now let us go to our whole body. Do you know what is AURA; it is a field of subtle, luminous radiation. AURA is surrounding a person or object. The concept of AURA is not new; it is there since ages and is linked with the high profile religious people. If you see the picture of Mary, Christ, Buddha and other saints, you will see a golden circle of light around there head. In modern and scientific age AURA is an electromagnetic field which is surrounding the human body, as well as each organism and object in the universe. It is also known as Human Energy Field (HEF). The HEF is a collection of electro magnetic energies. These energies are of varying densities. These HEF permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground. Auras consist of seven different levels and each of the level has its own unique color and frequency. Each of the color represents a different meaning. These Auras are interrelated and affect each other. They also affect the person’s behavior and health as well as his feelings, emotions and thinking. Therefore a change in one Aura leads to the change in others.
In the universe we share only one sun through our solar system. But universe as a hole has billions of suns in it and many of them are many times bigger than the sun of our solar system. About the distance of these suns it is said that the light of these suns is travelling from millions of years toward our planet but not yet reached here. My concern is this that these light waves or what ever you call them are travelling from million of years and are still alive, it itself is a proof that waves or rays or what ever you call it never dies. Either it is a sound wave, a brain wave, waves from our body or the light waves once its is generated it is there for ever. There is a possibility that in different environments it could possibly change its shape or function but it will never vanish. It is same like air, as it changes its function and shape differently in different environments but never ends. Sometimes it is air, sometimes water, then ice, then again ice to water and water to air.
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