Same Dream to my father and myself in the same night
When we say that both of us had the same dream at the same night it really sounds surprising. What could be the reason of it, let us see.
When we say that both of us had the same dream at the same night it really sounds surprising. What could be the reason of it, let us see.
The dream starts from my father. That night he slept with an extremely worried mind. He was much worried about his younger brother, who was extremely sick and was admitted in a hospital. That evening when he visited the hospital the doctors told him that there was no more hope of survival of his brother. This news make him more worried and sad, even he did not took his dinner and went to the bed. That time there was only one thing in his mind, that anytime anything could happened. He was mentally prepared to receive the death news of his brother.
.It is already discussed that when we think our brain produce waves, we called these waves as brain waves. Brain is not only a source of producing waves but is also a source of receiving the waves from the outer side. A simple example can
explain it well. Have you ever noticed that sometimes it happens that before someone speaks to you, you could understand of what he was going to say? Why, because before we speak of anything first we will think of that, that what we have to say, them we will convert these thought into words, or in other words sound waves will replace the brain waves. We cannot speak without thinking. In a regular discussion the process of thinking of something and then speaking of it is so fast that we can never notice it. You will listen and then at the same time you will reply to that and the process will continue till the discussion ends. So the brain waves are the one who will appear before the sound waves. Sometimes we are so sensitive and so much concentrating on the other's discussion that before he speaks we catch his brain wave and understand what he was going to say.

Our brain is like a power house. As power house generates the electric same is our brain generating waves of different thoughts. Brain wave of each and every thought has its own shape, frequency and strength. As much the thinking will be deep that much strong will be the brain wave. Waves travels in a circle shape that means it covers the area of its existence from all corners.
Our brain is like a power house. As power house generates the electric same is our brain generating waves of different thoughts. Brain wave of each and every thought has its own shape, frequency and strength. As much the thinking will be deep that much strong will be the brain wave. Waves travels in a circle shape that means it covers the area of its existence from all corners.
That night my father slept with his extreme worry in his mind. Though he was sleeping yet his brain was busy in thinking about his brother (if brain of a dead one can function for 72 hours then what about the function of the brain
of a person who is only sleeping). At that moment his brain was producing a particular type of strong brain waves. When he slept he was seriously thinking about the expected death of his brother. These thoughts of him was converted into a horrible dream. He got frightened and exchanged the room with me. His left over strong brain waves were still there in his room. As soon as I slept my brain started receiving those waves and in result my dream was also the same as of my father.