Monday, November 24, 2008

Ghost Part 12 : My experiences 4

The abnormal boy

He was about 14 years old, born as an abnormal kid in a medium class family; he was almost ignored by his family, where he go what he do no one from his family cares for that. Wearing a long shirt and a short, he could be seen wandering on the streets of the town. When feeling hungry it was easy for him to enter in any of the house in the area. He was always welcomed and was given food by his neighbors. Almost at late night he used to go to his home.

Once or twice a week he used to come to our home just for the food. He never asked for it, just sitting in the corner of our courtyard and staring at us could tell us that he was feeling hungry. Outside of the house he was just a fun for the kids. Kids used to tease him calling “what is you name, what is your name?” God knows better why these words made him blunt. His face become red and he shout back in broken words “don’t ask me that”. That was the only sentence he used to speak. No one had ever seen him talking or speaking any other word or sentence.

I appreciate the governments and people of Europe and America that they are taking special care of such kind of kids. I remember in London there was a celebration in a local cricket club I also attended that celebration along with my son as it was arranged for the kids of the local community. A well known cricket star was invited there as the chief guest. A lot of kids were there, for their entertainment the club management organized two different sets of teams to play the match. To my great surprise in one of the teams there was a disable kid having problem in his feet. A special wheel chair was arranged for him and with the help of that chair he participated in the match same as the other normal kids. In Europe and Canada I do experienced such kind of attitude at different occasions. This make me understand why countries like USA and Europe despite of extreme opposition are at the top of the world. GOD is always with those who helps his creature.

A person either he is abnormal by birth or by some other sickness he do have a brain to think. Only his abilities to communicate properly are lost either totally or partially. Of course his brain does not function as perfectly as of a normal person yet it does work. An aggressive attitude is noticed in disable people, especially a more aggressive attitude in the people who are mentally disable. If they are not able to think then how could they show their aggressiveness when they are angry. This aggressiveness is expressions of the inner feelings which they are not able to communicate vocally. Just take an example of a normal person, when he feels that he himself is totally helpless to resolve some of his extremely important issue he gets mad, some people start cursing to the system, while some will curse to their fate etc… what is this all? Is it not an aggressive attitude, is it not an abnormal behavior. It is of course. Feeling are not only limited to the human beings. Experiments have proved that animals, birds and plants do have these abilities within their capacity.

If a plant, which is without a brain, eyes and the abilities to communicate could have the sense of feelings than what about a human being, even if he is abnormal by birth yet he has brain eyes and tongue. Though he is not able to communicate his feelings vocally and his words are broken, incomplete and un-understandable still he is much better than a plant, bird or an animal. He is a human being and we have to work hard for the wellness of such kids as this is one of our responsibility.

The boy about whom I have discussed in (my experiences) Part 2 was also such a case who was in need of proper care which he never got. His vocal communication could also be a group of broken, incomplete and un-understandable words which he do not wants to show and may be internally he was also feeling shy of that weakness. Such kinds of people are always at the extreme of inferiority complex. Inferiority complex even sometimes makes a normal person unable to speak properly.

His ability to speak this sentence (“don’t ask me that”) was not a miracle or magic. This is some sort of shock therapy; you torture someone he will react against it. I admit that I am not an expert of such specialties yet form my experience I realize that the extreme of his anger always forced him to speak this sentence. Then why did he told me a name of himself and was not mad on me on this question. Simple answer to this question is this that I was always very sympathetic to him and never teases him at any time. I always helped him for different necessities of him. When I asked him this question my tone was very sympathetic and caring. Listening to this question his feelings were again at the extreme but not at the aggressive side of it. He came closer to me and told me a name (???).

Not only the brain but the whole system of the human being is very complicated. We know that even highly educated and noble people when they are extremely disturbed and get exited sometimes they also used to speak the dirty language.

In the end of this topic (Mysteries), I apologies for my poor command on English language, I realize that there will be a lot of spelling and grammatical errors but as my reader understand that English is not my first language they will overlook to this weakness of mine. I also feel that due to this problem I was not able to present my ideas in full and a lot of things are still there in my mind.
