We should remember that system of the Nature is scientific and systematic; it works in a cycle with some established procedure and these are always for the benefit of all the creatures. Each
and every creature, according to its capacity, has his own share in this world. The maximum benefit/ loss are also for the human beings. Just take an example of the water. Animals use it for drinking and bath, it is food for plants, but for the human beings it serves a lot of purposes, such as drinking, cooking, bathing, cultivation, etc… water on the earth cannot serve all of our requirements, we do need excess water, but as we cannot arrange that much huge quantity of it within our own resources, then Nature has arranged it for us. She arranged for us excessive and refined water from the sea through the clouds which goes to the heights (mountains). The clouds pours the water on the mountains, from mountains going through different channels it ends up in the rivers and the rivers finally takes it to the sea where it came from. At our own we are not able to arrange that much huge quantity of water for our needs, so Nature has arranged it for us, but what we can do is to store this water in the dams and could use it for our benefit, like generating electricity, irrigation etc… if we will not do that the water will go back to where it came from and finally we will be at the loosing end. Above all, yet Nature is so sympathetic to us that some of the rain water is absorbed by the land for our general use. Purpose of this example was to make it understand that the system of Nature is very scientific and systematic and perfect, there are no miracles in it, it all comes step by step and nothing appears all of a sudden. So it is clear that everything in this world is systematic and Natural.

Wu Yi
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