Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life : Life before life

Life Before Life

Before starting any discussion on the subject of life after death we should have some knowledge about the topic called Life before Life. No one can tell us with guarantee and with a solid proof that there is any life after the death, even the religions who are repeatedly telling us that there is a life after the death has discussed this philosophy briefly and has never given us a detailed sketch of it. What religions tells us is a comparison of good and bad, if we will do good thing in this world we will get a better life in the other world, or if we will not do the good things we will be awarded a worst kind of life after the death. Religion never tells us that what will be our structure in the other world. Which kind of the relationship we will have with the other people. What will be the status of our current relationships and where will it stand in the other world? Many such questions arise in our mind and we need a proper answer to that.

Truly speaking, where will we go after the death is a mystery? Science says once our physical body is vanished that is the end of it. Religion says, after death we will be placed to another world according to our deeds in the present word. Philosophy replies to this question as a mixture of science and religious theories, as after the death our physical body will be finished (dust into dust) but our soul will stay for ever and will pass through different stages before it reach to its final destination.

Before we answer to this question, we should ask a question to ourselves that do we know where we are coming from. If we know the answer of this question then we can easily find out the answer of the question that is there a life after death or not? Scientists and parapsychology experts have done a lot of work and experiments in this regards. Universities in USA, UK, Russia and Iran are doing a lot of research work on such topics. We as a human being are so helpless that even we are not sure of our origin; all theories, research works and religious references are just based on assumptions. As deep we goes in this subject that much deep we will found our self lost in it, and without any proper result.

Experiments conducted in the different universities of the world are just remains as an experiment. Hypnotism is one of the sources which are a main tool for conducting such experiments. In hypnotism the subject is repeatedly asked through suggestions to go back to his previous age, for example a subject is 30 years old a hypnotist will hypnotize him and will repeatedly suggest him to go back to the age of 25, once he is there he will be asked to tell what are his activities at this age like what he do and where he lives etc.. Same way he will be asked to go back to the age of 20, then 15 …… 5 and finally the hypnotist will take him to period of his birth time, at all these stages different questions will be asked and will be noted down. From the birth point the subject will be asked to go back to the before birth period and will be asked where is he now.

My purpose for explaining the above procedures is to reach to a truth. The truth is this that once a subject is taken back to the before birth situation and is taken back to maximum of thousands of years he will never show you another born again situation. He could tell you say 4000 years back now I am in Egypt, or France, or in North America etc… but disregard of any period of time he will never say it again that again he is in a birth process. I have never gone through any such readings which has discussed about the birth process of a subject in twice.
