Who they are, and where they come from?
Ghosts, they exist all around the world but lives only in
the mind of people. Physically there are fewer chances that anyone could have seen or met a ghost personally. I myself don’t believe in ghost yet I will say they do exist. You will definite be surprised that on one hand I am saying that I don’t believe in ghost and on the other hand I am admitting that they exist. Let me clear this, whatever I am going to say that is purely my personal opinion. I am with the opinion that rays, waves or whatever you call them, once they came into existence they never die, possibly they could change there shapes according to the environment but will remain and will keep their existence. Our brain is also generating waves. Whenever we think of anything it generates waves. To me a brain wave is the mother of all inventions. You think of something you generate brain waves, you plan for what you were thinking, again you generate brain waves, you act on that whatever you though and planned again you are generating brain waves. Until you did not finalized of what you have planned and until your thoughts did not appear in the material shape the process of generating brain waves will never end. Once your creation came out as a material you will say hay this is my product, this is what I was working on, and this is my invention. But do you know that your product or invention is not a mixture of different materials as it looks like, but it is a mixture of the brain waves what you have produced because without these brain waves no one is capable to invent anything.
According to some scientist this entire physical universe is made of pure energy and vibration. We understand that vibration is a source of energy, as much the vibration level will be higher that much higher level of energy it will produce. Whatever the level of energy is once produced it remains forever. May be after sometimes the source of this energy vanishes but energy produced by it remains. Different bodies in this universe produce different kind of energy. Each of the energy has its own strength and color. Vibration/movements of our body also produce energy, and whatever energy we produce it also remains there. As we moves we leave an oval shape of AURE behind us as our body is continuously producing new energy electromagnetic field which is also known as Human Energy Field (HEF), in other words we are continuously leaving a chain of this field behind us. This electromagnetic field of us is not visible; researcher could see it only with the help of very sophisticated equipments.
If we could be able to compress the chain of this electromagnetic field we could be able to see a transparent glimpse of that with our naked eye. Same is the weather affect, an extreme or a sudden weather affect could also compress this left behind HEF, and its transparent glimpse will appear for a few moments and will disappear suddenly from our eyes. This sudden experience will be good enough to make us afraid, after such experience one could say with confidence that he has seen a ghost. You will notice that such ghost stories are maximum linked to the winter season, you will also notice that the one who is telling you a ghost story, somewhere within this story he will tell you “though it was cold yet I was sweating”
My personal experiences discussed in details. See Part ( 9 to 12 )
Ghosts, they exist all around the world but lives only in

According to some scientist this entire physical universe is made of pure energy and vibration. We understand that vibration is a source of energy, as much the vibration level will be higher that much higher level of energy it will produce. Whatever the level of energy is once produced it remains forever. May be after sometimes the source of this energy vanishes but energy produced by it remains. Different bodies in this universe produce different kind of energy. Each of the energy has its own strength and color. Vibration/movements of our body also produce energy, and whatever energy we produce it also remains there. As we moves we leave an oval shape of AURE behind us as our body is continuously producing new energy electromagnetic field which is also known as Human Energy Field (HEF), in other words we are continuously leaving a chain of this field behind us. This electromagnetic field of us is not visible; researcher could see it only with the help of very sophisticated equipments.

My personal experiences discussed in details. See Part ( 9 to 12 )