Behind the CURTAIN
In the dark, when we switch on a light we could see things around us. As far the light goes t

Now the question arises that what is an abnormal/supernatural (the best suitable word in this topic is supernatural which I will use throughout this discussion). Is it an unseen object which is more powerful and clever than us and is always trying to make us frightened of its existence? Does it want something from us? Or do we owe something to him and he is after us for that, etc … if these are not the case then why he is only after us I means after the human beings, and why don’t he is after the other creatures on the earth.
We have never ever experienced an animal, a bird or a tree to which we can say that it is in trouble due to supernatural powers. When ever these things are affected, they are always affected by the NATURE; I mean some kind of disaster, like earth quack, floods, viral diseases etc...
If we believe in NATURE then believing something super than the nature (supernatural) is not justified, because NATURE means GOD (the truth, reality, facts and systematic), what ever the way you believe in HIM but if you believe, than He is the top most power in your faith. And we all know that there is nothing which could be superior to GOD. I will avoid and will try my best not to be involved in the religious thoughts in this topic because I want to discuss it purely in the light of logic and scientific theories, and wants to justify their existence or non-existence scientifically, but yet a little touch of the religion will be there, as when discussing such topics we cannot avoid the religious thoughts, it always remains there, even I would like to say that such topic are mostly generated through the religion (whatever religion it may be) and ends up in the religion like (securing the help of a priest, mullah, or pundit to get rid of these supernatural powers).
As I discussed above that we do not know what is behind the curtain, and until we do not explore it we will never know it. For example Sun, Moon, Lightning etc … there was a time when all these natural elements were having the label of supernatural, even these were being worshipped as god, but gradually the philosophers, scientists, and researchers has explored the truth and proved the realities. Now somehow these creations of Nature are in our grip, even we have already stepped in on the MOON.Before going in details about these so-called supernatural things I would like to share my personal experiences about these elements. Why first mine and then for others have a reason. What I have experienced I could tell it with confidence. For others I cannot guarantee for its correctness, it could be correct or may be only a fiction. I do have a lot of such experiences which will be very surprising for you but to me they are all normal.
This is a fascinating blog post. I especially enjoyed your personal accounts. They helped establish your interest the supernatural and gave you authority, or credibility, to discuss it. Your command of English is superb. The one or two mistakes in spelling (cousin, for example) actually helped remind me that I was reading the work of someone for whom English is a second language. This is an amazing achievement. I congratulation on your deep thinking and hard work. For search engine optimization, I would recommend your break your posts into short sections and post one a day or one every two days, rather than a huge one all at once. Google is committed to indexing blogs, and if they see you are posting every day, or even twice a day, your blog will rank well. You deserve as large of an audience as possible.
hey that's an interesting subject. i'll come back for more. i had one experience. may be i'll post it soon.
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