Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Life : What is life

How can we define the life? Question is this that where it comes from, and where it ends up, does it ends up with the death of a person, if not then after leaving the human body what and where is the next home of it. It is an agreed fact between science and religion that in this world life comes only once. Scientific justifications of one life are based on technicalities of human body and day to day experiences and observations.

Though there are some religions who believes in reincarnation, and time to time we could heard the news about some people claiming for a second life and giving some proofs and indication of there first life in this world, yet science don’t believe in it and has its own explanations of such kind of events. Scientist has never found any scientific proof of a second life. Science always travels on the road of proofs. But religion do agrees that there is a life after the death but in the other world. Where the other world exists religion is quiet about that.

There are quite big chances that the idea of life after death is based on the religious theory of a second life in the other world. The only difference between these two theories is this that one tells us that other life will be in the other world and it discusses only two lives, one in this world of ours and the other one in the Heavens or Hell, while the other theory discusses about the rebirth in the same world of ours but it did not tells us that how many lives we will have one after another.

As science does, religion does not ask for the proofs, its theories always ends up in the deep sea of faith, a blind faith.

Life always comes from the interaction of male and female. Life is a product of positive and negative forces, unless these two forces will not travel together with an agreed distance they will never be able to keep the life running. When ever these two forces will meet together according to a establish system they will generate a new life, if the system will not be followed it will end up in an accident. For example, electric power is running on two sources called negative and positive currents, both of the currents runs together, the main power is given to the positive one but to operate its function it needs the help of the negative power as well, without it, it is useless. Same is with the negative power; it also needs the help of positive power to complete its functions. Until we will not pass these two currents to complete their circut to an equipment which is meant to be operated by the electric powers it will not work. Only a proper and systematic usage of the currents will operate the equipment.

The theory of negative and positive also applies to our body; we have two eyes, two years, two lips, two hands, two legs, two kidneys, two lungs etc …

This world of our is also running on the two forces, called (positive and negative) the good and the evil forces. Since the beginning of the world these two forces are standing face to face. In each and every era these two forces are continuously fighting to each other for their own survival.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life : Life before life

Life Before Life

Before starting any discussion on the subject of life after death we should have some knowledge about the topic called Life before Life. No one can tell us with guarantee and with a solid proof that there is any life after the death, even the religions who are repeatedly telling us that there is a life after the death has discussed this philosophy briefly and has never given us a detailed sketch of it. What religions tells us is a comparison of good and bad, if we will do good thing in this world we will get a better life in the other world, or if we will not do the good things we will be awarded a worst kind of life after the death. Religion never tells us that what will be our structure in the other world. Which kind of the relationship we will have with the other people. What will be the status of our current relationships and where will it stand in the other world? Many such questions arise in our mind and we need a proper answer to that.

Truly speaking, where will we go after the death is a mystery? Science says once our physical body is vanished that is the end of it. Religion says, after death we will be placed to another world according to our deeds in the present word. Philosophy replies to this question as a mixture of science and religious theories, as after the death our physical body will be finished (dust into dust) but our soul will stay for ever and will pass through different stages before it reach to its final destination.

Before we answer to this question, we should ask a question to ourselves that do we know where we are coming from. If we know the answer of this question then we can easily find out the answer of the question that is there a life after death or not? Scientists and parapsychology experts have done a lot of work and experiments in this regards. Universities in USA, UK, Russia and Iran are doing a lot of research work on such topics. We as a human being are so helpless that even we are not sure of our origin; all theories, research works and religious references are just based on assumptions. As deep we goes in this subject that much deep we will found our self lost in it, and without any proper result.

Experiments conducted in the different universities of the world are just remains as an experiment. Hypnotism is one of the sources which are a main tool for conducting such experiments. In hypnotism the subject is repeatedly asked through suggestions to go back to his previous age, for example a subject is 30 years old a hypnotist will hypnotize him and will repeatedly suggest him to go back to the age of 25, once he is there he will be asked to tell what are his activities at this age like what he do and where he lives etc.. Same way he will be asked to go back to the age of 20, then 15 …… 5 and finally the hypnotist will take him to period of his birth time, at all these stages different questions will be asked and will be noted down. From the birth point the subject will be asked to go back to the before birth period and will be asked where is he now.

My purpose for explaining the above procedures is to reach to a truth. The truth is this that once a subject is taken back to the before birth situation and is taken back to maximum of thousands of years he will never show you another born again situation. He could tell you say 4000 years back now I am in Egypt, or France, or in North America etc… but disregard of any period of time he will never say it again that again he is in a birth process. I have never gone through any such readings which has discussed about the birth process of a subject in twice.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ghost Part 12 : My experiences 4

The abnormal boy

He was about 14 years old, born as an abnormal kid in a medium class family; he was almost ignored by his family, where he go what he do no one from his family cares for that. Wearing a long shirt and a short, he could be seen wandering on the streets of the town. When feeling hungry it was easy for him to enter in any of the house in the area. He was always welcomed and was given food by his neighbors. Almost at late night he used to go to his home.

Once or twice a week he used to come to our home just for the food. He never asked for it, just sitting in the corner of our courtyard and staring at us could tell us that he was feeling hungry. Outside of the house he was just a fun for the kids. Kids used to tease him calling “what is you name, what is your name?” God knows better why these words made him blunt. His face become red and he shout back in broken words “don’t ask me that”. That was the only sentence he used to speak. No one had ever seen him talking or speaking any other word or sentence.

I appreciate the governments and people of Europe and America that they are taking special care of such kind of kids. I remember in London there was a celebration in a local cricket club I also attended that celebration along with my son as it was arranged for the kids of the local community. A well known cricket star was invited there as the chief guest. A lot of kids were there, for their entertainment the club management organized two different sets of teams to play the match. To my great surprise in one of the teams there was a disable kid having problem in his feet. A special wheel chair was arranged for him and with the help of that chair he participated in the match same as the other normal kids. In Europe and Canada I do experienced such kind of attitude at different occasions. This make me understand why countries like USA and Europe despite of extreme opposition are at the top of the world. GOD is always with those who helps his creature.

A person either he is abnormal by birth or by some other sickness he do have a brain to think. Only his abilities to communicate properly are lost either totally or partially. Of course his brain does not function as perfectly as of a normal person yet it does work. An aggressive attitude is noticed in disable people, especially a more aggressive attitude in the people who are mentally disable. If they are not able to think then how could they show their aggressiveness when they are angry. This aggressiveness is expressions of the inner feelings which they are not able to communicate vocally. Just take an example of a normal person, when he feels that he himself is totally helpless to resolve some of his extremely important issue he gets mad, some people start cursing to the system, while some will curse to their fate etc… what is this all? Is it not an aggressive attitude, is it not an abnormal behavior. It is of course. Feeling are not only limited to the human beings. Experiments have proved that animals, birds and plants do have these abilities within their capacity.

If a plant, which is without a brain, eyes and the abilities to communicate could have the sense of feelings than what about a human being, even if he is abnormal by birth yet he has brain eyes and tongue. Though he is not able to communicate his feelings vocally and his words are broken, incomplete and un-understandable still he is much better than a plant, bird or an animal. He is a human being and we have to work hard for the wellness of such kids as this is one of our responsibility.

The boy about whom I have discussed in (my experiences) Part 2 was also such a case who was in need of proper care which he never got. His vocal communication could also be a group of broken, incomplete and un-understandable words which he do not wants to show and may be internally he was also feeling shy of that weakness. Such kinds of people are always at the extreme of inferiority complex. Inferiority complex even sometimes makes a normal person unable to speak properly.

His ability to speak this sentence (“don’t ask me that”) was not a miracle or magic. This is some sort of shock therapy; you torture someone he will react against it. I admit that I am not an expert of such specialties yet form my experience I realize that the extreme of his anger always forced him to speak this sentence. Then why did he told me a name of himself and was not mad on me on this question. Simple answer to this question is this that I was always very sympathetic to him and never teases him at any time. I always helped him for different necessities of him. When I asked him this question my tone was very sympathetic and caring. Listening to this question his feelings were again at the extreme but not at the aggressive side of it. He came closer to me and told me a name (???).

Not only the brain but the whole system of the human being is very complicated. We know that even highly educated and noble people when they are extremely disturbed and get exited sometimes they also used to speak the dirty language.

In the end of this topic (Mysteries), I apologies for my poor command on English language, I realize that there will be a lot of spelling and grammatical errors but as my reader understand that English is not my first language they will overlook to this weakness of mine. I also feel that due to this problem I was not able to present my ideas in full and a lot of things are still there in my mind.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ghost Part 11 : My experiences 3

Death of my girlfriend
As I have already discussed in Part 2 (My experiences) that during the sleep our mind becomes free of time and space, it could be possible that at the moment of her death my mind was watching that entire event and was communicating all that to my subconscious.

Our affair last for years, though we were not able to marriage, yet the memories of it could not be vanished from our minds. It is a common thought that after marrying to a different person other than of your lover, you could easily forget your first love. Truly speaking this is not correct. It is your past, a very charming past, how could you forget the beautiful memories of it? Remember your past is a ladder which always leads you towards your future, without this ladder you cannot go further towards a successful future. Without looking into your past you cannot make your future bright. What is history, these are the stories of our past which guides and helps us to make our strategies for a better future.

When a person lost all hopes of his life and is close to death, the good and bad memories of his life appears to him like a film. Some of these memories just comes like a blink and disappear but some of the memories stays for a while and are very pinching, especially if these are the good ones.

The night she died, there could be a lot of memories in her mind, most possibly the memories of our love could also be there as ours affair last for years, this memory could be very disturbing to her. When your love ones are in some kind of trouble, at your end you will also feel disturbing no matter where you are at that moment, even in such kind of situations you could have the disturbing dreams. Many of us has experienced that when we are away from home and are in some kind of trouble, our love ones (mother, father, sister, brother, wife and kids) without any known reason also feel disturbing at that moment, later on when you will discuss it to them they will tell you that they were also feeling sad and disturbing on that day. The same I experienced that night. This is all natural and experiments have proved the correctness of such theories. Below is one of the example.

Long time back in Russia scientist conducted an experiment. They took a kitten 500 kilometers away from his mother, at that new place frequently they were giving a little torture to the kitten, on the other hand at the same moment another group of the scientists was watching the behavior of its mother. Every time the kitten was tortured the behavior of the cat became very disturbing and aggressive.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ghost Part 10 : My experiences 2

Same Dream to my father and myself in the same night
When we say that both of us had the same dream at the same night it really sounds surprising. What could be the reason of it, let us see.
The dream starts from my father. That night he slept with an extremely worried mind. He was much worried about his younger brother, who was extremely sick and was admitted in a hospital. That evening when he visited the hospital the doctors told him that there was no more hope of survival of his brother. This news make him more worried and sad, even he did not took his dinner and went to the bed. That time there was only one thing in his mind, that anytime anything could happened. He was mentally prepared to receive the death news of his brother.

It is already discussed that when we think our brain produce waves, we called these waves as brain waves. Brain is not only a source of producing waves but is also a source of receiving the waves from the outer side. A simple example can explain it well. Have you ever noticed that sometimes it happens that before someone speaks to you, you could understand of what he was going to say? Why, because before we speak of anything first we will think of that, that what we have to say, them we will convert these thought into words, or in other words sound waves will replace the brain waves. We cannot speak without thinking. In a regular discussion the process of thinking of something and then speaking of it is so fast that we can never notice it. You will listen and then at the same time you will reply to that and the process will continue till the discussion ends. So the brain waves are the one who will appear before the sound waves. Sometimes we are so sensitive and so much concentrating on the other's discussion that before he speaks we catch his brain wave and understand what he was going to say.
Our brain is like a power house. As power house generates the electric same is our brain generating waves of different thoughts. Brain wave of each and every thought has its own shape, frequency and strength. As much the thinking will be deep that much strong will be the brain wave. Waves travels in a circle shape that means it covers the area of its existence from all corners.
That night my father slept with his extreme worry in his mind. Though he was sleeping yet his brain was busy in thinking about his brother (if brain of a dead one can function for 72 hours then what about the function of the brain of a person who is only sleeping). At that moment his brain was producing a particular type of strong brain waves. When he slept he was seriously thinking about the expected death of his brother. These thoughts of him was converted into a horrible dream. He got frightened and exchanged the room with me. His left over strong brain waves were still there in his room. As soon as I slept my brain started receiving those waves and in result my dream was also the same as of my father.

Ghost Part 09 : My experiences 1

Death of the two brothers in road accidents.
As promised explanation of my dreams
As I discussed in (Ghost Part 2) that I experienced the same dream twice within a period of 40 days and as the results of the both dreams were exactly the same, so these both dreams automatically sound mysterious to me. Let us see why and for what reasons I dreamed that happenings. (Note: I am absolutely not claiming for myself as an extraordinary person, whatever I am going to say this could be experienced to any person around the world)
I by nature am a sensitive and imaginary person. Since my childhood I have a habit of thinking on different aspects of the life and Nature. I thinks about God, who He is and what He is, I thinks about the prophets, the saints, the great people and heroes of the world, the big disasters of the world, the stone age, the ice age, the man of the early ages, creation of the world, the universe and its limits and if it has no limits then what is the end of it, life on the other planets and if there is life then which kind of the life is that etc… I think about a lot of things. In such kind of thinking sometimes my imaginations takes me to the same period of whom I am thinking about. I used to think so deeply on such issues that these issues always remain at the top most level of my subconscious. As a result, I dreamed different Prophets, high profile saints, heroes of past times, different planets etc... There is a saying, what will you eat same will you vomit. Same is the case with me. Period in these dreams was sometimes the same as of theirs and sometimes the current period of the world. Sometimes I only just dreamed these high profile personalities and sometimes I got some indication from them.

For example once I dreamed a well known high profile saint who was accompanying with a friend of mine, the saint hold the hand of my friend and taken out the number 2 from his pocket and given it to my friend. After two weeks that friend came to my house, he gave me the news that he passed his BSC examination with flying colors and was placed in the second (number 2) position in the University. Dreams have their own moods, if we have a pleasant dream then during the dream and after we woke up of it, our mind will be easy and we will feel relaxed. If we have an aggressive or horrible dream same will be our feelings during and after the dream. It means that dreams affect our brain/mind.
During the sleep our mind (not brain) is absolutely free of our control and is covering and looking into an unlimited and large area or almost the whole world. We know that during a dream when within a friction of time the location is changed it disregards all theories of time and distance. We experience that time and distance has no meanings in our dreams. As an example it happens like this, right now you are in your office then in next scene you could be walking in the moon, and suddenly you will see yourself in a beautiful park.
Long time back I read in a book that once William Shakespeare was invited to watch one of his plays which was being staged at a university hall. It was a lengthy play of seven stages and had to last for few hours. Shakespeare was sitting in front seats. After two minutes from the start of the play Shakespeare left his seat saying goodbye and thank you. He was asked that why is he leaving? Shakespeare replied that the play is finished and I have to go now. He was told that the play is started just two minutes before, he replied that when the play started I just feel sleepy and I woke up at the end of the last scene of the last episode. In my dream I have watched all the seven episodes of the play.

In our dreams our mind is covering the whole world or may be the whole universe. No theories of time and distance are involved in our dreams. What ever is happening at that moment in the world our mind is watching that all and is transferring all that information to our subconscious. Events of our major interest are automatically placed at the top level of our subconscious. Once in normal life we know about that we will immediately say, oh yes, I dream the same thing last night.
These two brothers were our relatives and sometimes back they were also our neighbors for a long period of time, both of the deaths were not the normal one. As my mind was already aware of these two persons and due to long relationship they were already somewhere in my subconscious, so as these accidents were happening, my mind was watching all that and was storing it at the top level of my subconscious. There was no magic in it when I was watching that events in my dreams. This is all normal.

When someone wakes up in the morning the glimpse of last night dream remains fresh in his mind, and if about the same event he heard from someone else that it is already happened in real, it becomes a matter of surprise to him, while in fact it is not surprising at all.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ghost Part 08 : Ghost

continuation of part 7
Who they are, and where they come from?

Ghosts, they exist all around the world but lives only in the mind of people. Physically there are fewer chances that anyone could have seen or met a ghost personally. I myself don’t believe in ghost yet I will say they do exist. You will definite be surprised that on one hand I am saying that I don’t believe in ghost and on the other hand I am admitting that they exist. Let me clear this, whatever I am going to say that is purely my personal opinion. I am with the opinion that rays, waves or whatever you call them, once they came into existence they never die, possibly they could change there shapes according to the environment but will remain and will keep their existence. Our brain is also generating waves. Whenever we think of anything it generates waves. To me a brain wave is the mother of all inventions. You think of something you generate brain waves, you plan for what you were thinking, again you generate brain waves, you act on that whatever you though and planned again you are generating brain waves. Until you did not finalized of what you have planned and until your thoughts did not appear in the material shape the process of generating brain waves will never end. Once your creation came out as a material you will say hay this is my product, this is what I was working on, and this is my invention. But do you know that your product or invention is not a mixture of different materials as it looks like, but it is a mixture of the brain waves what you have produced because without these brain waves no one is capable to invent anything.

According to some scientist this entire physical universe is made of pure energy and vibration. We understand that vibration is a source of energy, as much the vibration level will be higher that much higher level of energy it will produce. Whatever the level of energy is once produced it remains forever. May be after sometimes the source of this energy vanishes but energy produced by it remains. Different bodies in this universe produce different kind of energy. Each of the energy has its own strength and color. Vibration/movements of our body also produce energy, and whatever energy we produce it also remains there. As we moves we leave an oval shape of AURE behind us as our body is continuously producing new energy electromagnetic field which is also known as Human Energy Field (HEF), in other words we are continuously leaving a chain of this field behind us. This electromagnetic field of us is not visible; researcher could see it only with the help of very sophisticated equipments. If we could be able to compress the chain of this electromagnetic field we could be able to see a transparent glimpse of that with our naked eye. Same is the weather affect, an extreme or a sudden weather affect could also compress this left behind HEF, and its transparent glimpse will appear for a few moments and will disappear suddenly from our eyes. This sudden experience will be good enough to make us afraid, after such experience one could say with confidence that he has seen a ghost. You will notice that such ghost stories are maximum linked to the winter season, you will also notice that the one who is telling you a ghost story, somewhere within this story he will tell you “though it was cold yet I was sweating”

My personal experiences discussed in details. See Part ( 9 to 12 )

Ghost Part 07 : Supernatural Stories

continuation of part 6
The Facts

Now let us discuss about some of the elements which are still a part of the supernatural stories. The most interesting thing is this that these stories always come through some reference. At least 99% of such stories are based on someone else experience, the one who is telling a supernatural story will always starts it in this way (my grandfather used to tell this story, my uncle experienced this incident, my so and so told a story) etc… it is very rare that someone tells us his own and personal experience about a supernatural event. Be sure that when somebody is telling someone else experience on such mysterious happenings he will also mix up some of his personal stuff just to create suspense to get the attention of the people.

We know it very well and it is already proved by the scientists that the sound wave never dies. Once a sound wave is created it will remain forever in this world. Whatever the word spoken by anybody or a sound is created by any means it becomes the part of this world and remain there forever. Even the scientists today are trying to record the sounds produced by our ancestors. We also know it very well that the function of brain in our body is to receive and produce waves, whenever and whatever we think a chain of incoming and outgoing waves is already there. In my opinion the wave produced by the brain also never dies. Just think for a while in journal and not scientifically that the brain wave is the mother of sound wave because; until something will not come to your mind you will not speak of it. You will only speak when you will have something to say, and you don’t have to say anything until you will not think of it, and when you will think something your brain will produce the waves.

Same as above, now let us go to our whole body. Do you know what is AURA; it is a field of subtle, luminous radiation. AURA is surrounding a person or object. The concept of AURA is not new; it is there since ages and is linked with the high profile religious people. If you see the picture of Mary, Christ, Buddha and other saints, you will see a golden circle of light around there head. In modern and scientific age AURA is an electromagnetic field which is surrounding the human body, as well as each organism and object in the universe. It is also known as Human Energy Field (HEF). The HEF is a collection of electro magnetic energies. These energies are of varying densities. These HEF permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground. Auras consist of seven different levels and each of the level has its own unique color and frequency. Each of the color represents a different meaning. These Auras are interrelated and affect each other. They also affect the person’s behavior and health as well as his feelings, emotions and thinking. Therefore a change in one Aura leads to the change in others.

In the universe we share only one sun through our solar system. But universe as a hole has billions of suns in it and many of them are many times bigger than the sun of our solar system. About the distance of these suns it is said that the light of these suns is travelling from millions of years toward our planet but not yet reached here. My concern is this that these light waves or what ever you call them are travelling from million of years and are still alive, it itself is a proof that waves or rays or what ever you call it never dies. Either it is a sound wave, a brain wave, waves from our body or the light waves once its is generated it is there for ever. There is a possibility that in different environments it could possibly change its shape or function but it will never vanish. It is same like air, as it changes its function and shape differently in different environments but never ends. Sometimes it is air, sometimes water, then ice, then again ice to water and water to air.

Ghost Part 06 : System of Nature

continuation of part 5
We should remember that system of the Nature is scientific and systematic; it works in a cycle with some established procedure and these are always for the benefit of all the creatures. Each and every creature, according to its capacity, has his own share in this world. The maximum benefit/ loss are also for the human beings. Just take an example of the water. Animals use it for drinking and bath, it is food for plants, but for the human beings it serves a lot of purposes, such as drinking, cooking, bathing, cultivation, etc… water on the earth cannot serve all of our requirements, we do need excess water, but as we cannot arrange that much huge quantity of it within our own resources, then Nature has arranged it for us. She arranged for us excessive and refined water from the sea through the clouds which goes to the heights (mountains). The clouds pours the water on the mountains, from mountains going through different channels it ends up in the rivers and the rivers finally takes it to the sea where it came from. At our own we are not able to arrange that much huge quantity of water for our needs, so Nature has arranged it for us, but what we can do is to store this water in the dams and could use it for our benefit, like generating electricity, irrigation etc… if we will not do that the water will go back to where it came from and finally we will be at the loosing end. Above all, yet Nature is so sympathetic to us that some of the rain water is absorbed by the land for our general use. Purpose of this example was to make it understand that the system of Nature is very scientific and systematic and perfect, there are no miracles in it, it all comes step by step and nothing appears all of a sudden. So it is clear that everything in this world is systematic and Natural.

Wu Yi Tea

Wu Yi

Ghost Part 05 : What happen if?

continuation of part 4
Above we have discussed about the computer and its hard disk. A hard disk is the brain of the computer. But computer does not have the liberty to use its (brain) stored data at its own but we do. As per my study and observations and what I understand most of the information are not stored gradually in our brain/ mind but it is already there since we are born, it is a gift of God/ Nature to us, what we have to do is to explore these information. Just see the system of Nature, when we are born we are not able to speak or even to move, but yet we know that we can communicate from the very first day, if we are hungry we will cry or if we are happy we will smile, in this way we can take the attention of our caretakers. Now just think if from the very first day we are able to speak then what will happen and which kind of questions will be asked. The very first question will be, hey, where are you coming from, what was there and with whom you were living there etc…? And you know it very well that how surprising the answers could be. You cannot be able to communicate freely unless and until previous memories of your will not be removed from your conscious and will be stored to your subconscious properly. Now the question arises that when, how and who arranged for the storage of these information for us. Simple answer is the system of nature. Another simple answer is that; study the theory of evolution. Starting from nothing and ending up as a human being. During the process of evolution at all stages the experiences and observation of those stage was stored and it took millions of years. Again I will take the advantage of scientific research. Science has proved that plants do have feelings and they do understand the difference between their protector and the one who destroys them, they also have good and bad feelings. I can say that during the process of evolution at all stages feelings and observations were there, but the vision to understand the surrounding was increasing gradually, at every new stage a new awareness and progress was there, the previous information was already stored and the new experiences were making their place in the cells of the brain and from there mind was collecting all these information to keep it for ever.

Ghost Part 04 : The Brain

continuation of part 3
Mind of the Soul

First of all let us discuss about our brain, intentionally I used the word brain and did not used the word mind, there is a difference between mind and the brain. Brain is something physical while mind is not. In our brain there are billions of cells, it is same as we have a hard disk in our computer. In hard disk we can save a lot of data according to its capacity, the same way there is a lot of information stored in the cells of our brain, the capacity is also there, the volume of this capacity increases or decreases according to our environments. This stored information is based on the previous experiences before our birth, and the new information are being stored till our death.
According to the scientists after the death eyes take 24 hours and the brain takes 72 hours to stop there function. Why? And for what these extra hours are given to the eyes and brain. There must be some logic and reason behind it as the system of NATURE is pure, perfect and scientific and since the creation of this system till today no one is able to find a defect in it. From the very beginning we human being are in a process of exploring the world even the universe. In each era we explored the new fact, new ideas and new theories but never criticized the system, even sometimes we rejected our own theories but yet no one was dared to criticize the Nature and Her system because it is all perfect.

In here let us discuss about the brain. These 72 hours could be a transit period for transferring the stored data from brain to mind as mind never dies (mind is the brain of soul and the soul never dies). Mind does not have a physical existence and anything without a physical existence never dies. GOD is the best example for that.

Another example, say Mr., X dies due to any reason, just after his death we will say this is the dead body of Mr. X, now after the death we will never say that this is Mr. X inside the coffin we will say this is the dead body of Mr. X inside the coffin, then where is Mr. X. Mr. X is the one who was controlling the body, the physical body died but X is still there but we cannot see him, even we never saw him when the body was alive. For example I can say this is my head, my hands, my feet, etc... Then where am I, another important thing is this that a body cannot survive without a soul, same is with the soul, it also needs a body to keep its existence. We know it very well that in this world nothing could survive without a support, this topic of support is very vast, I can give you a lot of examples on this topic, and here I am giving a few examples out of that. We should see around us, the chair I am sitting on and writing this article need a support of the floor, pen I am writing with need a support of ink and my hand, while I am busy in writing I am also enjoying coffee, coffee need a support of mug while mug need a support of table, table is given support of the floor, the floor is supported by the walls etc…, The best and simple example are the words, words are supported by their meanings without meaning they do not have any value, I can say it without any doubt that meaning of a word are the soul of that word because meanings are keeping that world alive, etc… nothing in this world could survive at its own every thing is dependent of something. In simple science everything is a compound of some 2 or more than 2 elements. Same is with the soul it cannot survive without a body. Now if this is the case then after the death where the soul goes? What is and where is the new body of the soul. Either we have to believe in Hindu philosophy of reincarnation or we should have some other answer to this question. Reincarnation is a very old philosophy, but it seems to be more political than practical as this philosophy was the main support for Arians to rule the India, and Arians had propagated this thought all over the India for their own survivals… so where the soul goes after the death (Please wait for my next topic LIFE AFTER DEATH)

Ghost Part 03 : What is this all

continuation of part 2
Supernatural to Natural

Before going in further discussion on this topic let me tell you a true story, it will show that how the human behavior changes when he do not have a proper justification of an event. “I remember, about 50 years back in our country we were experiencing the first and strict Marshall Law of our history. No one was dared to talk against the army. Villagers due to there simplicity were more frightened. ….. In a village people used to go to the nearby well to get the water for their daily necessities. In the same village there was a black-marketer who was holding a lot of sugar and was waiting for the correct time to sell it out at his desired rates. Due to sudden implementation of the marshal law, this black marketer thrown all the sacks of sugar in that well in the late night as he do not wants to be in trouble with the authorities, what he had done no one was aware of that. Next day in routine the people went to the well to get the water for there needs. This day the taste of the water was quite different. It was so sweet that people took it for a miracle; they were filling each and every glass and bucket of theirs with this (holly) water, with in few hours the news was speared in the village as well as the other nearby villages. The well was declared as sacred one. Miracles and all other supernatural stories were linked to that well, and so on. Even the sweetness of water was gone after few weeks and even the truth was also revealed yet the faith was still there.” Now it is 2008 gradually as the awareness came to the people the supernatural stories linked to that well are vanished and as the lot of development came to that area within last 50 years, most probably the well is also vanished. With this example we can understand that with the passage of time and as the awareness comes to the people how the things changes from supernatural to natural.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ghost Part 02 : My experiences

continuation of part 1
Some of my Personal Experiences

1. I was about 18 years old, one night I dream that one of my relative standing on the terrace of his house and holding a flower in his hand was trying to bend down toward the road in front of his house. Dream was a normal one and as you don’t have any control on your dreams, so you could dream anything. Next morning a relative of ours came to our house and informed us about the sudden death of that person to whom I dreamed last night, his death caused due to a road accident. Still it was normal to me. BUT exactly after 40 days I experienced the same dream again, but the person was a different one, this time it was the younger brother of the dead one. It was now alarming for me, I remember the first dream and was discussing both the dreams with my father at breakfast table, the call bell rang, my uncle opened the door, a relative of mine was there with the same message, “the death in a road accident” the person I dreamed was died in a road accident. Was both of the dreams were a coincidence or there was some message to me or something else?

2. One night about 02:00 AM my father woke me up and asked me to exchange the room as he was not feeling comfortable in his room, as a result we exchange the rooms. In my father room I experienced a very scary dream, a lot of dead bodies around the bed and staring at me. Same night I experienced this dream repeatedly. Next morning before I discuss this to my father, he told me the same story that in his room he was repeatedly experiencing a very scary dream and finally he decided to leave the room; the dream he told me was exactly the same as what I dreamed that night. Question is this who was there that night and why?

3. My girlfriend with whom I was in love but was not able to marry her as her parents were never in my favor and later she was married to some one else. Meanwhile I got a job in middle east and the love story ended in such a way that I was married to a lady to whom I was not much interested, but within a year after my marriage I realize that this marriage was a gift of God to me, this marriage changed my life, whatever I wished I got it. All the previous love was gone in the air and I was and I am at the peak of my love with my wife. After five or six years of my marriage I had a strange dream. That time I was in middle east, one night I dream that my girlfriend (to whom I was in affair) came to my room I was lying on my bed, she sat very close to me almost close to my head, then she said I am leaving then suddenly she turned into a bird and flew out of the room, I woke up and that’s it. Next day as usual I called my wife at my homeland and she given me the news that my ex-girlfriend died last night, very strange?

4. There was a boy who was mentally disable and it was said that he was captured by the evil souls, he was also not able to speak properly. When ever anyone asks him about his name “what is your name” he always shouts back with a big voice “don’t ask me this” even he was not able to speak properly yet this sentence he could speak very loud and very well. Once I asked him the same question, he looked at me, slightly smiled and very quietly told me a name (???). He asked me to promise and not to tell this anyone, and I never told that name to anyone. After few days of this he died.

5. Some places which I never visited before I dreamed that and later after many years I was there and it was the time when I was remembering my years back dream.
I do have and remember a lot of such experiences because I watch them very closely and very seriously. We all have such experiences in our life; very few people take them seriously while the rest just ignore all such happenings. There is not a single person around the world who can say that he never had such experience or dreams. Frankly speaking it is very common; it is just a matter of remembering, observing and understanding them.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ghost Part 01 : Fact or Fiction

Behind the CURTAIN

In the dark, when we switch on a light we could see things around us. As far the light goes that much far we can see, but as much far (distance) the light travels its strength and sharpness weakens and finally it ends up in the dark. Our power of observing the things around us also weakens and ends up in the dark along with the travel of the light. What is in the dark we do not know? For this we have to look behind the curtain or you can say, behind the wall. On the other hand while staying in the light and looking at the dark, it gives us very unusual feelings and shapes. Such feelings affect the creativity of our mind and we feel that there is something different than the normal life; we feel like there is something abnormal around us. Something suspicious and mysterious, Parapsychology starts from this point, or we can say parapsychology starts from the point where we feel different than the normal life...
Now the question arises that what is an abnormal/supernatural (the best suitable word in this topic is supernatural which I will use throughout this discussion). Is it an unseen object which is more powerful and clever than us and is always trying to make us frightened of its existence? Does it want something from us? Or do we owe something to him and he is after us for that, etc … if these are not the case then why he is only after us I means after the human beings, and why don’t he is after the other creatures on the earth.

We have never ever experienced an animal, a bird or a tree to which we can say that it is in trouble due to supernatural powers. When ever these things are affected, they are always affected by the NATURE; I mean some kind of disaster, like earth quack, floods, viral diseases etc...

If we believe in NATURE then believing something super than the nature (supernatural) is not justified, because NATURE means GOD (the truth, reality, facts and systematic), what ever the way you believe in HIM but if you believe, than He is the top most power in your faith. And we all know that there is nothing which could be superior to GOD. I will avoid and will try my best not to be involved in the religious thoughts in this topic because I want to discuss it purely in the light of logic and scientific theories, and wants to justify their existence or non-existence scientifically, but yet a little touch of the religion will be there, as when discussing such topics we cannot avoid the religious thoughts, it always remains there, even I would like to say that such topic are mostly generated through the religion (whatever religion it may be) and ends up in the religion like (securing the help of a priest, mullah, or pundit to get rid of these supernatural powers).

As I discussed above that we do not know what is behind the curtain, and until we do not explore it we will never know it. For example Sun, Moon, Lightning etc … there was a time when all these natural elements were having the label of supernatural, even these were being worshipped as god, but gradually the philosophers, scientists, and researchers has explored the truth and proved the realities. Now somehow these creations of Nature are in our grip, even we have already stepped in on the MOON.Before going in details about these so-called supernatural things I would like to share my personal experiences about these elements. Why first mine and then for others have a reason. What I have experienced I could tell it with confidence. For others I cannot guarantee for its correctness, it could be correct or may be only a fiction. I do have a lot of such experiences which will be very surprising for you but to me they are all normal.
