Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Life : What is life

How can we define the life? Question is this that where it comes from, and where it ends up, does it ends up with the death of a person, if not then after leaving the human body what and where is the next home of it. It is an agreed fact between science and religion that in this world life comes only once. Scientific justifications of one life are based on technicalities of human body and day to day experiences and observations.

Though there are some religions who believes in reincarnation, and time to time we could heard the news about some people claiming for a second life and giving some proofs and indication of there first life in this world, yet science don’t believe in it and has its own explanations of such kind of events. Scientist has never found any scientific proof of a second life. Science always travels on the road of proofs. But religion do agrees that there is a life after the death but in the other world. Where the other world exists religion is quiet about that.

There are quite big chances that the idea of life after death is based on the religious theory of a second life in the other world. The only difference between these two theories is this that one tells us that other life will be in the other world and it discusses only two lives, one in this world of ours and the other one in the Heavens or Hell, while the other theory discusses about the rebirth in the same world of ours but it did not tells us that how many lives we will have one after another.

As science does, religion does not ask for the proofs, its theories always ends up in the deep sea of faith, a blind faith.

Life always comes from the interaction of male and female. Life is a product of positive and negative forces, unless these two forces will not travel together with an agreed distance they will never be able to keep the life running. When ever these two forces will meet together according to a establish system they will generate a new life, if the system will not be followed it will end up in an accident. For example, electric power is running on two sources called negative and positive currents, both of the currents runs together, the main power is given to the positive one but to operate its function it needs the help of the negative power as well, without it, it is useless. Same is with the negative power; it also needs the help of positive power to complete its functions. Until we will not pass these two currents to complete their circut to an equipment which is meant to be operated by the electric powers it will not work. Only a proper and systematic usage of the currents will operate the equipment.

The theory of negative and positive also applies to our body; we have two eyes, two years, two lips, two hands, two legs, two kidneys, two lungs etc …

This world of our is also running on the two forces, called (positive and negative) the good and the evil forces. Since the beginning of the world these two forces are standing face to face. In each and every era these two forces are continuously fighting to each other for their own survival.

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