Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life : The Three Stages. Part 1

Generally the life is defined in three stages, 1. Life before the life. 2. Life on the earth, and 3. Life after the death, but proof of the life is only available on the earth, no one knows that in real was there any life before the earth life or is there any second life after the earth life. There are only assumptions about the before and after life but no proofs available at all. There are few cases when clinically dead people and even the people who were already buried after their death came back to the life again. When asked to those people about their death experiences the answer of each of them was almost the same as of the other one. It is really surprising because each of them has gone through the same experience. These answers also strengthen the religious faith of life after the death as almost each of them is experiencing that after the death he is passing through a dark tunnel and so on … On the other hand if you ask the people about their birth experience (after hypnotizing them) they will also have almost the same answer that during the birth they are passing through a tunnel of light.

When coming out of the womb of the mother we are coming from dark to the light and there should be the same experience to each and every new born. There is nothing special in it. Same is with the death, even if we are hit on our head we will feel dark around us for a couple of moments as function of our brain is affected by this sudden hit, in such situation communication between brain and eyes even the whole body is effected for the few moments, if the function of eyes is effected due to any reason the whole thing will end up in the dark. When a person is dying his communication system becomes weak. Messages from his brain to rest of his body do not reach properly. In this situation he will not be able to think and see properly, and will feel like he is fainting. Even a normal person when he closes his eyes he feels dark around him, so the person who is loosing all hopes of his life, whose heart beat and pulses have gone slow, whose brain function is becoming abnormal, what else could he feel except darkness.

As a matter of fact death means a disconnection of brain with the rest of the body. As the body weakens and finally stops its function it also stops the supply of blood to the brain. Without blood it becomes impossible for brain to continue its function and at this stage the person is declared dead.

But the person who has death experience and again he came back to life leaves a question mark for us. Was he really dead or it was some kind of a different situation of his life which is not yet explainable by the science? A sleeping person of a person who is in coma or fainted is also not able to speak or move at all. Such situations are also near to death situations, but after waking up or recovering from the sickness they are again able to participate in the normal life. A sleeping situation is called a half dead situation, in this half dead situation one can dream differently, he could dream of his past, present or the future or even he could dream something different which he never experienced in his normal life. What will we say to that, is he dreaming of his past life or the life which he has to live after his death. continue......

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